Sunday Playlist - 7/25/2021

"Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" has been a favorite of our congregation for as long as I've attended, and all of the music this week echoes its theme. At the heart of the verses from John, "I am the true vine," is the concept of abidance. Jesus gives assurance that if we abide in his example, if we lean on him, all will be well. Rev Davis sings that exuberantly in his blues, while the Arvo Pârt piece offers space to meditate on it. As for our favorite itself, I included Iris Dement, whose version has made it on my lists in the past, but also a rollicking rendition by the Blind Boys of Alabama. At the center is a version of "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" shorn of orchestra and simply, powerfully sung at the piano by John Legend.


Sunday Playlist - 8/1/2021


Sunday Playlist - 7/18/2021